Booliska Soomaaliya oo baadi goobaya rag baxsad ah oo ku eedeysan fal dil ah
Muqdisho: Laamane iska duubay 124 muqaalo oo anshax xumo ah oo xukun lagu riday
Waa shaqsi nooce ah hoggaamiye Eng Mohamed Shalle ( Faalo)
Muxuu kala hadlay madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Carabta ?
Xukuumadda Soomaaliya oo tageertay howlgalka ay Puntland kula jirto kooxda Daacish
Duqeyn diyaaradeed oo khasaaro geystay oo laga fuliyay Buuraha Calmiskaad
Somali police are looking for fugitive men accused of murder .
Hamas releases Israeli hostages, returns remains of Shiri Bibas
Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh oo sheegay in dalka ay ka dhaceyso doorashada Qof iyo Cod
Somalia President Hassan Sheikh to already ordered equipment to conduct the coming elections in the country.
Americans officers and commander of army arrived in Middle Shabelle.
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